B-K Quarter Horses


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Peppy King Jackie

1998 palomino mare

SIRE side of pedigree Eddie Red Rose 1960
       0144564 sorrel
Eddie Cinco 1954
       0047093 sorrel
Gold Fingers 1972
       0900996 gray
     H- 17.0  P- 67.0
Four Roses 1944
       0008934 sorrel
Sadie Lace 1957
       0070492 gray
Blue Gold 1953
       0052076 gray
Tee J Johnny Finger 1987
       2571513 gray
Sadie Blake II 1949
       0030355 sorrel
Jackie Bee 1962
       0205387 gray
Jimmy Mac Bee 1958
       0092825 dun
     H- 1.0  P- 0.0
Tee J Jenny Doll 1983
       2004248 sorrel
Jackie Diane 1957
       0121218 gray
3 L Jimmy Leo 1974
       1042247 gray
John Leo 1962
       0216326 bay
     H- 33.0  P- 37.5
Jimmy Diane 1964
       0313958 roan

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DAM side of pedigree War Bond Leo 1963
       0278587 sorrel
     H- 8.0  P- 198.0
War Leo 1956
       0060880 sorrel
75 8 2 1 2 $ 1,006    H- 72.0  P- 192.0
Sporty Bond 1968
       0563047 sorrel
Peppy's Gold 1956
       0059169 palomino
     H- 3.0  P- 7.0
Bridwell's Nell 1962
       0245052 sorrel
Holly's Salty 1957
       0088921 sorrel
Moondusts Babe 1986
       2471408 buckskin
Jake's Princess 1955
       0066564 sorrel
Preacher Pistol 1963
       0294471 brown
     H- 0.0  P- 1.0
The Jazz King 1959
       0161729 bay
May Moondust 1975
       1101533 grullo
Our Cindy 1957
       0064178 black
Alberta Reed 1964
       0332349 palomino
Baca Joe 1956
       0055158 sorrel
Brenda Star 1947
       0363417 palomino

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B-K Quarter Horses
Bob and Kay Linville
20427 State Highway B
Clearmont, Missouri  64431
660-729-3333 phone
660-725-7065 Bob's cell
660-725-7066 Kay's cell

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