SIRE side of pedigree |
Peppy San Badger 1974
1089924 sorrel
H- 0.0 P- 41.0 |
Mr San Peppy 1968
0548845 sorrel
H- 0.0 P- 161.0 |
Peptoboonsmal 1992
3097910 red roan
Sugar Badger 1959
0183512 sorrel
Royal Blue Boon 1980
1601972 blue roan
Boon Bar 1972
0892319 bay
H- 0.0 P- 6.0 |
Peptos Playboy 2000
3933141 red roan
H- 0.0 P- 45.5 |
Royal Tincie 1965
0395071 roan
Freckles Playboy 1973
0911588 sorrel
H- 0.0 P- 25.0 |
Jewel's Leo Bars 1962
0206037 sorrel
55 2 0 1 0 $ 30 H- 3.0 P- 25.0 |
Miss Freckles Girl 1982
1920605 sorrel
H- 0.0 P- 5.0 |
Gay Jay 1958
0143266 sorrel
Solano Glo 1976
1261907 sorrel
Doc's Solano 1971
0767739 sorrel
H- 18.0 P- 48.0 |
Go Leo Glo 1964
0327799 sorrel

DAM side of pedigree |
Mr Baron Red 1978
1422846 sorrel
H- 43.0 P- 298.0 |
Red Baron Bell 1973
0931779 sorrel
H- 66.0 P- 17.0 |
Two Eyed Red Buck 1991
3026532 buckskin
H- 29.5 P- 249.5 |
Two Eyed Patti 1971
0770517 sorrel
H- 16.0 P- 163.0 |
Ima Tyree 1970
0638625 buckskin
Harlan's Tyree 1963
0284343 buckskin
H- 99.0 P- 73.0 |
Sheza Lotta Bucks 2000
3929160 palomino
Ima McKee 1965
0393762 bay
H- 2.0 P- 0.0 |
Tardy Two Eye 1978
1349404 sorrel
H- 0.0 P- 48.5 |
Two Eyed Rick 1970
0699799 sorrel
Sheza Peppie Jack 1983
2001706 sorrel
Pepper Candy Bar 1963
0243048 sorrel
H- 0.0 P- 24.5 |
Sandhills Nut 1976
1241455 chestnut
The Wise Man 1964
0397337 sorrel
Sandhill Sweety 1963
0257796 chestnut

SIRE side of pedigree |
Jimmy Mac Bee 1958 0092825 dun
H- 1.0 P- 0.0 |
Sonny Day Bee 1950 0038547 dun
H- 1.0 P- 0.0 |
Jackie Bee 1962 0205387 gray
Miss Hackberry 1954 0046153 bay
H- 11.0 P- 0.0 |
Jackie Diane 1957 0121218 gray
Jack R 1945 0018641 chestnut 85
10 1 1 1 $ 268 |
Tee J Jaycee Jack
1981 1723760
gray |
My Jackie Waggoner 1951 0087172 gray
Sassy Three 1967 0500022 sorrel
Skip 3 Bar 1960 0183052 roan
H- 62.0 P- 12.0 |
Jaycee Miss Susie
1975 1131871
bay |
Sassy Skip 1957 0074153 palomino
Miss Hackberry 1954 0046153 bay
H- 11.0 P- 0.0 |
Hackberry Red 1949 0029236 sorrel
H- 2.0 P- 0.0 |
Miss Amber 1941 0001388 bay

DAM side of pedigree |
Gold King Bailey
1945 0009941
palomino 85 3 2 0 0 $ 298 |
Hank H 1942 0002154 chestnut 85 6
2 1 3 $ 0 |
Burr Oak Bailey 1962 0266474 sorrel 45 1 0
0 0 $ 0 |
Beauty Bailey 1932 0000696 palomino
Miss Marita 1957 0096670 sorrel
Carajo 1947 0018521 sorrel
Michelle Oak 1983 2051820 chestnut
Betty Red 1950 0158800 bay
Jack Spook 1969 0656382 sorrel
Hickory Two Jack 1966 0450147 chestnut
Jack's Michelle 1974 1056802 sorrel
Lorrie Annie 1963 0292032 sorrel
Michele's Patsy 1962 0208983 chestnut
Wimpy's Joe Boy 1958 0092080 sorrel
Miami's Ace 1958 0127943 sorrel